Sastrify can seamlessly connect and build secure integration with your Google Workspace SSO to enable what is called Tool Stack Discovery

This feature automatically discovers subscriptions as well as imports and continuously updates your entire tool stack by discovering all SaaS tools in use and accessed through your organization's Gmail logins.

This integration lets you discover and add subscriptions and SaaS products to your platform by granting it read-only access to usage and audit reports.

  • Customer Usage Reports aggregate service usage data across the domain, tracking successful logins to authorized applications.
  • Audit report logs all user actions within a domain, offering insights into how Google Workspace is used.

Only a Google Workspace Admin from your organization can establish this connection. During setup, the admin must accept two authorizations (see screenshot below). Be sure to check both boxes for proper integration.

Newly Discovered Tools

This integration uses Customer Usage Reports to compile a tool list based on SSO logins and compare it to Sastrify’s vendor database. The process works as follows:

  • Existing tools in the Tool Stack remain unchanged—no duplicates are created.
  • Unmatched tools (not found in Sastrify’s vendor database) are not added. Instead, they will appear inside the Tool Matching page, allowing you to manually assign matches or discard them.
  • Newly matched tools (found in the vendor database but not in the Tool Stack) appear under the Discovered tab, with the import date included to let you know when the import took place. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the conditions for Google integration to detect or discover new subscriptions or software?

A: Google Workspace integration automatically discovers new subscriptions and software when Google user accounts associated with the company (under the same domain) use the Google Workspace Single Sign-On (SSO) login method to authenticate. If a software or vendor is listed in Sastrify's vendor database and you do not have a subscription listed in the main subscription list, Sastrify will create the new tool and place it under the "Discovered" page.

Q: How often should the integration or connection be refreshed to make sure new subscriptions are always discovered and added to the platform?

A: You only need to set up the connection for the Google Workspace integration once. After the initial setup, Sastrify stores the generated "refresh token," which allows us to check and fetch new subscriptions on a weekly basis.

Q: What happens if there is a tool that used to be accessed via Google SSO authentication but has not been used in the last 30-60 days? Will the integration still pull it into Sastrify?

A: Yes, the Google Workspace integration does not consider user activity or frequency of access when pulling tools into Sastrify. It will capture all successful logins.

Q: Can the integration distinguish between tools that are actively used and those that are in a trial phase and only pull the active ones?

A: No, it does not make such a distinction. The integration detects all but only displays those that have matches in Sastrify's database.