Sastrify aims to provide a definitive single source of truth, offering a platform designed to consolidate all SaaS documents in one centralized location. This not only facilitates effective control and oversight but also enhances visibility, ultimately optimizing the renewal process for organizations.


Subscription documents

Centralizing documents in Sastrify improves accessibility for authorized stakeholders, reducing search time and enhancing operational efficiency. It also fosters collaboration in the procurement process, ensuring a seamless workflow. Each subscription page includes a Documents tab, where tool owners can upload and organize relevant files for proper storage.


Store and track your subscriptions' contracts, particularly larger ones with unique renewal or pricing terms, ensuring comprehensive oversight of contractual obligations and negotiations.

Terms and Conditions 

Attach current terms and conditions to subscriptions for easy reference, enhancing clarity and understanding of the contractual framework.

Master Service Agreement 

Utilize an MSA to oversee subordinate contracts and simplify future negotiations. Quick access to this document ensures awareness of established terms and conditions.

Data Processing Agreement 

Ensure compliance by having a Data Processing Agreement in place for personal data within subscriptions. Upload it for a comprehensive overview of data usage terms.


Maintain a repository of offers for any renewal negotiations, providing valuable leverage. Store all offer-related documents in one central location for easy retrieval.


Access invoices conveniently through the spend view of each subscription. They are automatically processed and added to the current annual spend, streamlining financial tracking.


Store various subscription-related documents, including usage analysis, setup screenshots, and implementation roadmap presentations. Centralize all miscellaneous documents for a comprehensive overview.

Uploading documents

To upload your SaaS documents to Sastrify, simply choose one of the following methods:

  1. First, you can simply drag and drop a specific document into one of the designated areas, depending on the document type. 
  2. You can also select the file and upload it from your local device or network.

Changing document attributes

For each uploaded document, you can change or modify the document's attributes, such as its date, category, and/or name. To change the document attributes, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the three-dot icon to the right of each document item
  2. Click "Edit information".
  3. When a pop-up window opens, continue to change the attributes.
  4. Click "Save Changes" to complete the process.

Sastrify recommends, based on common best practices, that assigning a data and an accurate name to each document improves document version control and makes documents easier to find.

For every document, you can also download the file to your local drive or delete a specific document by clicking the appropriate icon located to the right of each document line item.

Uploading invoices

Invoices, although also part of the overall SaaS documents, are categorized and stored differently in Sastrify compared to other documents such as contracts or DPAs. Since invoices are related to spend and the amount on each invoice issued to a SaaS customer represents the cost incurred for that tool, it is stored under the Spend tab.

To upload invoices manually:

  1. Go directly to the "Spend" tab for each subscription.
  2. Upload invoice files by dragging and dropping or by clicking on the hyperlink provided to upload the document from your local device or network.
  3. Once uploaded and processed, the amount will be reflected in your spend view and annual spend.