Applicable to the following Sastrify plans:


* Legacy includes all plans signed before February 29, 2024. 


What does it mean to be covered by Sastrify?

  • Tool owners stay informed about upcoming renewals, enabling proactive steps for smooth renewals. Sastrify does this by keeping you informed about the current renewal status of a tool, counting down to its renewal date and allowing you to take action directly from the tool’s interface.

  • Tool Owners by assigning themselves to the tools they own also receive notifications for important updates related to their subscriptions, such as important vendor insights and potential price alerts.

How to get the 24/7 coverage?

There are two tasks you need to complete to set up coverage on your tool stack: assign tool owners and define renewal terms. 

1. Assign tool owners: The first step in the process is to assign the correct tool owners to their tools. This practice goes beyond naming tools; it promotes transparency, keeps owners informed, and paves the way for a well-coordinated approach to stack management.

The term "tool owner" typically refers to an individual within an organization that is responsible for monitoring, managing, and optimizing a specific software or application.

These are also the people who know the ins and outs of specific tools and are typically responsible for making the purchase and renewal decisions for those tools.

There are 3 methods for assigning tool owners within Sastrify:

  • From the Tool Stack page
  • From the individual subscription page
  • When inviting new team members to Sastrify

For a detailed guide on how to assign tool owners, refer to: Assign and modify Tool Owners

2. Define renewal dates & terms: The foundation of renewal management is defining renewal dates and terms for all of your active SaaS subscriptions. Doing so will bring order to your SaaS procurement, allowing you to keep track of all renewals and avoid unexpected auto-renewals - ultimately protecting your overall IT budget.

Sastrify centralizes renewal terms, enhancing transparency. When combined with the designated tool owners (as discussed earlier), it facilitates proactive renewal management. Sastrify's streamlined approach ensures timely reminders, enabling your organization to stay ahead in the renewal process with ease and foresight.

Follow the simple steps as outlined in the following Quick Tip video to set the renewal details:

For a detailed guide on how to set your renewal dates, refer to: Renewal Management: Define renewal dates & reminders

"Sastrify-Covered" badge

For tools with a tool owner assigned and renewal terms defined, the platform will grant a "Sastrify-Covered" badge. The badge will be displayed in your subscription's list and also on the detail page of that subscription.