Accurate spend data is essential for SaaS procurement, enabling cost savings, budgeting, license compliance, and transparency.

With Sastrify, you can generate clear spend visualizations by integrating accounting software or uploading spend data and have additional tools under the 'Spend Import' feature to review and correct incoming data, ensuring accuracy and full financial control.


How to access the Spend Import feature

Spend Import can be accessed from Tool Stack > Spend Import.

The Spend Import feature includes three tabs to help categorize and manage adjustments to imported spend data:

  • Imported—Displays successfully processed spend data.

  • Pending—Lists spend data that is pulled from the source but not processed by Sastrify due to the need for manual corrections.

  • Potential Duplicates—Flags possible duplicate entries for validation.

Each tab's functionality is detailed in the sections below.

The Imported tab

The Imported tab contains all successfully uploaded and processed invoices and expenses, including their dates, sources, and amounts. It helps you verify spend import results and identify any discrepancies between Sastrify and your accounting tools.

Any spend data listed on this tab corresponds to the amount posted to the Spend tab for each subscription in your tool stack.

If you need to fine-tune, edit, or make corrections, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Select a specific expense or line item.
  2. Click the 3-dot icon for that expense and select "Edit".
  3. Make the necessary changes (such as the invoice name, date, amount, and/or currency).
  4. Confirm your changes by clicking "Save".

From the Imported tab, you can filter spend data by parameters like tool name, date, or source, allowing for a more focused review of relevant data.

For every spend, you also have the option to download the invoice file (if any) to your local drive or perform deletion by clicking the same 3-dot icon.

The Pending tab

The Pending tab contains unprocessed spend data due to OCR reading or matching discrepancies. Sastrify flags these conflicts, consolidating them here for easy review and necessary corrections.

These conflicts are categorized by data source—accounting software integration, account data import, and invoice upload—each in its own bucket. Within each, you’ll find details on conflict types (e.g., unmatched vendors, failed invoices) along with corresponding error amounts.

Unmatched Vendors

This list contains spend data linked to tools or subscriptions that don't match any vendors in Sastrify's database. Common causes include variations in vendor naming or tools that aren't currently listed in the database. To resolve this, click "Review" and match the data on the left with the correct tools on the right in your Sastrify platform to ensure proper display of the tool's spend.

Here, you also have the option to multi-select and/or delete certain tools if you decide not to include them in the overall spend calculation.

Failed Invoices

The list includes invoices that couldn't be processed due to unreadable data points, such as the tool name or amount, by the OCR. To resolve these issues, click "Review" and fill in the missing details (on the right) with the invoice information from the displayed soft copy. Then, assign the invoices to the correct tool to ensure they're correctly included in the subscriptions.

The Potential Duplicates tab

In this tab, you'll find spends that Sastrify flags as potential duplicates, based on similarities in data points like dates and amounts within invoices. You can review each entry and decide which one to retain, ensuring the correct spend is displayed while discarding any duplicates.

To address potential duplicates: 

  1. Click "Review" on any of the detected tools. 
  2. The app will consolidate potential duplicates into a single section. 
  3. Review the details and examine the copies of the invoices. 
  4. Once you've made a decision on which entry to retain, place a checkmark under the "Keep" column. 
  5. Click "Resolve Duplicates".