Applicable to the following Sastrify plans:


Accurate spend information is crucial for effective SaaS procurement, serving as a foundation for cost savings, efficient budgeting, license compliance, and cost transparency. 

With Sastrify, you can effortlessly generate transparent spend visualizations for each active and paid-for SaaS tool, achieved through seamless integration with your accounting software or by regularly uploading spend data to the platform. 

Utilizing the 'Spend' feature, you can thoroughly review and make necessary adjustments to incoming spend data, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate representation of your financial information. The primary objective of this feature is to empower you with the highest level of spend control


How to Access the "Spend" feature

Spend Import can be accessed from Tool Stack > Spend.

The feature comprises three tabs that categorize the types of adjustments and corrections you can apply to the imported spend. 

  • Imported
  • Pending
  • Potential Duplicates

Further details on each tab's functionalities are outlined in the subsequent sections below:

The 'Imported' Tab

Within this tab, you will discover all your successfully uploaded and processed invoices, complete with their dates, sources, and corresponding amounts. This feature is designed to aid you in verifying the outcomes of your spend import, serving as a valuable tool to pinpoint any potential disparities between the information displayed in Sastrify and that present in your accounting tools.

If you need to fine-tune, edit, or make correction, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Select a specific expense or line item.
  2. Click the 3-dot icon for that expense and select Edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes (such as the invoice name, date, amount, and/or currency).
  4. Confirm your changes by clicking "Save".

For every spend, you also have the option to download the invoice file (if any) to your local drive or perform deletion by clicking the same 3-dot icon.

From this tab, you can filter the list of spend data by various parameters, such as tool name, date, or source - and view only the data that meets your criteria for a more focused review.

The 'Pending' Tab

Within this tab, you'll discover spend data that remains unprocessed, primarily due to OCR reading and/or matching discrepancies. Sastrify captures these conflicts, consolidating them in this tab for your convenient review and providing you with the capability to make essential corrections as needed. 

These conflicts are grouped based on the source of the import data, specifically accounting software integration, account data import, and invoice upload, each having its designated bucket. 

Within each source bucket, detailed information is provided, specifying the type of conflicts (such as unmatched vendors or failed invoices) along with the corresponding error amounts.

Unmatched Vendors

  • This list comprises spend data associated with tools or subscriptions that lack a match within Sastrify's extensive database of SaaS vendors. 
  • Common causes include diverse vendor naming variations across different invoices or the tools discovered not presently existing in our database, resulting in the failure to find corresponding matches.
  • To validate and fine-tune unmatched vendors, click "Review" and simply match the data on listed on the left to the correct tools in your Sastrify platform (listed on the right) to ensure the display of these tools' spends.

Here, you also have the option to multi-select and/or delete certain tools if you decide not to include them in the overall spend calculation.

Failed Invoices

  • The list contains the invoices that cannot be processed successfully because certain data points, such as the tool name or amount, cannot be recognized by the OCR reading. 
  • Resolve the issues by clicking "Review" and simply filling in the empty input fields (located on the right) with the invoice details (according to the displayed soft copy) and assigning them to the correct tool to ensure that the invoices are included in the correct subscriptions. 

The 'Potential Duplicates' Tab

In this tab, you will find spends that Sastrify identifies and suspects as potential duplicates, with considerations based on similarities found in various data points within an invoice, such as dates and/or amounts. Subsequently, you can review and make informed decisions on which entry to retain, ensuring that the accurate spend is displayed in your platform, while discarding any obvious duplicates.

To address potential duplicates: 

  1. Click "Review" on any of the detected tools. 
  2. The app will consolidate potential duplicates into a single section. 
  3. Review the details and examine the copies of the invoices. 
  4. Once you've made a decision on which entry to retain, place a checkmark under the "Keep" column. 
  5. Click "Resolve Duplicates".