Applicable to the following Sastrify plans:


Whether you need support using our platform or have some general product-related feedback for us, we are here to listen! 

You can access the App Support page by clicking on the "App Support" link in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Clicking on the App Support link will open a form where you can enter the details of your request. Your feedback and support requests are invaluable in improving the product and enhancing your customer experience, so please remember to be clear and detailed when filling out the form!

  1. Select the type of request: Report an issue, General Question, Give Feedback, or Other.
  2. Add a comment describing the reason for your request and the details of the issue or feedback.
  3. If necessary, add any relevant documents or screenshots to further describe your request.
  4. Once the request is submitted, our Customer Support Manager will get back to you as soon as possible to assist you.

Our support team has a strict one-business-day SLA, so you can be sure that your question will be answered promptly.

Access to Sastriverse

From this form, you can also access the SastriverseIt serves as a central repository of knowledge base articles, how-tos, on-demand vwebinars, and quick tip videos that enable you to find answers, solutions, and implement best practices with the greatest flexibility using the resources we have made available for you.

How long does it take for Sastrify to respond to a support request?

Once the ticket is created and submitted, Sastrify will contact you within one business day. The ticket will be closed once the reason for the request has been addressed. Sastrify will also close the ticket if no response is received within 2 to 3 weeks.