Applicable to the following Sastrify plans:


With Sastrify, effortlessly organize your SaaS invoices by utilizing the convenient bulk upload feature. Whether you are setting up your stack or maintaining updated spend views, Sastrify's streamlined process simplifies the task. Just drag and drop your .pdf files, and our system will seamlessly identify the supplier, ensuring efficient management.


How to bulk upload your invoices

  1. Access to your Sastrify account.
  2. Go to the Tool Stack section.
  3. Click the "Actions" button on the right hand side of the screen.
  4. Select "Upload".
  5. Simply drop all of the invoices you wish to upload to Sastrify into the box that says "Invoice".
  6. Click "Save" to finalize the upload process.
  7. Our OCR and an internal matching process will assign the invoices and display the spends to the correct subscriptions. For new subscriptions, it will generate the tool list and will allocate the spend from the invoice(s) accordingly.

Ensure only PDF files are uploaded. Alternative formats, such as PNG or JPG, will not undergo processing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please refer to the Invoices FAQ page for a complete list of frequently asked questions.